
Zumba with Maribel

On Sunday morning, we burned off some calories together to get us ready for a day of studying. We got together on the school’s courtyard with our water bottles and high spirits. Thank you to our wonderful classmate Maribel who is a certified Zumba instructor for taking some time to teach us some cool moves while getting a good workout in! Afterwards, we indulged in some healthy snacks and went on our way to a productive Sunday. Can every Sunday be this productive?

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Big Law Unveiled Panel

Together with the Law Students of African Descent (LSAD), we hosted SIX Big Law attorneys of color from all different law firms in an intimate panel for our members. This event allowed us to ask the real questions about what it means to be a person of color in the predominantly White Big Law space. After all our questions were answered, we went over to FreeHouse and enjoyed some appetizers and drinks while having casual conversations with our amazing panelists. Thank you to the sponsors of this amazing event!

Association of Latino Marin Attorneys (ALMA) Mixer

As future Latinx attorneys, we appreciate the importance of networking and building strong relationships within the legal field. That is why some of us boarded a ferry for the first time and attended the ALMA mixer on Friday, September 14, 2018. Not only were we able to meet with practicing attorneys in all areas of law but also connected with students from UC Hastings’ La Raza Law Students Association. We bonded over our law school woes and headed out for a fun night in San Francisco. Looking forward to connecting with Hastings students again!

Welcome Carne Asada BBQ

On Saturday, August 25th we hosted our Welcome (Back) Carne Asada and Vegan Cookout to welcome our students both new and returning to the Berkeley Law La Raza community. We had a record number of attendees and were able to introduce our Raza 1Ls to our students but more importantly to the amazing programs/events we have planned for this semester. We bonded over burgers and beer and shared the “wisdom”and advice that was passed onto us from our Raza upperclassmen. Our Raza 1Ls were filled with knowledge and expressed how welcoming and genuine our community is. Our 2018-19 board considers this our first success at building our amazing community for this academic year.